
[RESEÑA] Knowledge and Power are Not the Same: Arndt Brendecke, The Empirical Empire, and the Spanish American Colonial Archive (Not Even Past - 2022 Lozano Long Conference "Archiving Objects with Latin American Perspectives")

Image: Philip II offering Fernando to Glory after the Battle of Lepanto. Titian. 1570s Abstract In early modern Europe, intellectual figures like Bacon and Hobbes popularized the notion that 'knowledge is power.' However, historian Arndt Brendecke's examination of the 16th-century Spanish empire challenges this idea. He poses a simple yet complex question: to what extent was knowledge the foundation of Spanish colonial power? Born and educated in Bavaria within the scope of theoretical German scholarship, Brendecke published his masterpiece, The Empirical Empire: Spanish Colonial Rule and the Politics of Knowledge, in 2016. This book provides valuable insights into archival studies and Latin American history. These contributions will help shape the central themes of the 2022 Lozano Long Conference, titled "Archiving Objects of Knowledge with Latin American Perspectives." Resumen En la Europa de la Edad Moderna, figuras intelectuales como Bacon y Hobbes popular...

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